Castagne Tortionata

When my husband was a little boy, he always thought the rosettes looked like mice so our family now refers to this as

“Mouse Cake”.

Castagne Tortionata

Castagne Tortionata

Yield: 8-10
Prep time: 12 HourCook time: 2 HourTotal time: 14 Hour
This is a modern twist on the Dolce di castagne, which is a traditional Italian chestnut cake originating from Tuscany.
Cook modePrevent screen from turning off




  1. Preheat oven to 250°F.
  2. Cover 3 cookie trays with parchment paper.
  3. Draw 3 - 9” circles on paper (I use a side plate and two cookie trays)
  4. Beat egg whites until soft peaks.
  5. Gradually add sugar 1 tbsp at a time. Beat until stiff and glossy.
  6. Put in large pastry bag with large star nozzle.
  7. Pipe onto paper, starting at centre. Use slightly less than 1/3 for each circle.
  8. Using remaining meringue, make rosettes and shells beside the circles.
  9. Bake for 2 hours, turn oven off and LEAVE TRAYS IN OVER NIGHT.
  1. Whip cream. Save out 1/4 cup for later.
  2. Fold in chestnut puree and sherry to remainder.
  3. Spread between layers of meringue.
  4. Glue shells and rosettes on top with saved whipped cream.
  1. Melt on low heat.
  2. Drizzle over shells and rosettes drawing in threads from side to side.
  3. Pipe extra meringue on top for added flair.


As you can see, this is a two-day process.

Make sure to dry out the meringue and don't leave anywhere humid as it will lose it's integrity.

cake, mouse, castagne, tortionata, CASTAGNE TORTIONATA, merinuge
Desserts, Confections, Cakes & Cupcakes

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